Respect for Human Rights

Respect for Human Rights

Under our company's philosophy "we will create a society in which everyone considers their work meaningful and feels fulfilled at work," the Insource Group (Insource Co., Ltd and our group companies) has offered services with the power of "people", "IT solutions" and "contents". Through our business activities, every executive and regular employee shall take human rights into consideration and make further efforts on respecting each other based on this "Respect for Human Rights".

1.Our Organizational Policies

The Insource Group has been working on the followings as Our Organizational Policies.

  • ・ We will build a sustainable growth organization that every employee can cultivate their individualities, maximize their competencies and respect each other.
  • ・ We will create an open and transparent organization that gives equal opportunities and fair personnel evaluation to all employees.
  • ・ In order to make sustainable organizational growth, we will create a "barrier-free" workplace that treats all employees equally regardless of race, origin, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical / mental handicap, age, creed or lifestyle.

2.Diversity Workforce

The Insource Group will demonstrate organizational efforts to promote diversity at our workplace.

Diverse Workforce

  • Foreign nationals※1

  • Seniors (aged over 60)

  • LGBT

  • People with disabilities

    (Employment rate of people with disabilities: %)

    (Insource only; Non-consolidated)

  • Females in managerial positions


  • ※1"Foreign nationals" refers to employees with foreign nationalities. This includes naturalized Japanese.

3.Respect for Human Rights & Prohibition of Discrimination

The Insource Group will ensure all executives and regular employees (including part-timers) to comply with the following policies.

  • ・ We will not engage in any unreasonable discrimination by birthplace, nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, gender, age, disabilities and academic background.
  • ・ We will not engage in forced labor by means of violence, jeers and threats, and make sure there will be no violation of human rights such as defamation, aspersions and bullying.

4.Prevention of Harassment

All executives and regular employees of the Insource Group (including part-timers) will not make any behaviors that might be misconstrued as harassment in the workplace, let alone act any sexual or power harassment.

The Insource Group is committed to establish an organization with high transparency where every employee can work with satisfaction and will be given an opportunity equally and evaluated fairly. We will continue to work on human rights and fulfill our corporate social responsibility through our business activities.

November 1, 2019

Insource Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
Takayuki Funahashi
Mitemo Co., Ltd
Representative Director
Representative Director, President
Tetsuya Sawada
Rashiku Corporation
Representative Director, President
Motokazu Hirayasu
Insource Digital Academy Corporation
Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
Shinichi Sugiyama
Insource Marketing Design Corporation
Representative Director
Toshiaki Oohashi
BAS Corporation
Representative Director, President
Masao Moritani