Analyst Coverage

Analyst Coverage

Analyst Coverage

  • Company

    SBI Investment Co., Ltd.


    Norimasa Morimoto

  • Company

    Storm Research


    Team coverage

  • Company

    Tokai Tokyo Intelligence Laboratory Co., Ltd.


    Tatsuo Majima

  • Company

    Pelham Smithers Associates

    Senior Analyst

    Hiroyuki Terada

  • Company

    Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd.

    Senior Analyst

    Katsumi Arai

  • Note: The list above is based on information available to the Company at the time of its publication and is prepared in accordance with our standards; therefore, please be noted that there may be other analysts who are not included in this list and that all information may not be up-to-date.
  • The analysts listed above provide opinions, forecasts and recommendations regarding our performance and other matters based on their own judgment, and do not represent the opinions or forecasts of the Company. By including these analysts in this list, the Company does not imply that we guarantee or agree with their opinions, forecasts or recommendations.
  • In the event of an actual investment, we would like to ask you to make your decisions based on your own judgment and responsibility.