Sustainability Data

Sustainability Data

Information and data on the Insource Group's sustainability initiatives are available on this page.The scope of calculation is the aggregate figures for the Company and our subsidiaries as reported in the Annual Securities Report.


CO₂ emission targt(t)

unit FY19(base year) FY29(target year)
Total CO₂ emissions (Scope1+2) t 280.2 140.0

Electricity consumption (Mwh)

unit FY20 FY21 FY22
Total power usage thou.Kwh 590.6 642.2 754.3
 Of which, percentage of renewable energy used thou.Kwh 0 0 6.9
 Renewable energy rate % 0 0 0.9
purchased non-fossil fuel certificates thou.Kwh 0 0 230.0
Hot/cold water GJ 0 0 0

CO₂ emission data(t-CO₂)

unit FY20 FY21 FY22
Total CO₂ emissions (Scope1+2) t 260.4 283.2 233.8
Scope1 ※1 t 0 0 0
Scope2 ※2 t 260.4 283.2 233.8
Supply-chain emissions(Scope1+2+3) t 2777.8 3812.7 5479.8
Scope3 ※3 t 2517.4 3529.5 5246.0
Caluculating※4 t 61.9 87.3 84.6

※1 Since we do not have our own production facilities and do not emit carbon dioxide or other GHG resources through fuel combustion or chemical reactions, Scope 1 is set to 0.

※2 Scope2 is calculated based on market-based figures.

※3 Calculated by referring to the emissions intensity in the "Basic Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain" of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment of Japan.

※4 Calculated with reference to "CO₂ emissions in the life cycle of paper and paperboard" by the LCA Subcommittee of the Japan Paper Association.

Scope3 Details


Resource Recycling (t)

unit FY20 FY21 FY22
Amount of waste t - 16.6 14.5
 Of which emissions recycled t - 8.3 5.8
Data coverage % - 14.4 14.7

※ *Data coverage is calculated based on the number of employees currently working in offices where amount of waste is known.

Water resources (㎥)

unit FY20 FY21 FY22
Water consumption - - 601
Data coverage % - - 16.4

*Data coverage is calculated based on the number of employees currently working in offices where water usage is known.


Humman Capital

General Information

unit/td> FY20 FY21 FY22
Number of personnel people 527 594 647
Number of employees people 367 412 443
Number of temporary employees people 160 180 204
Ratio of temporary employees 30.4 30.4 31.5
Average age of employees year-old 31.4 36.5 31.8
Average working years of employees year 4.1 4.4 4.9
Average annual salary yen 4,726,398 4,797,650 5,539,505

※Number of employees is the number of regular and contract employees

※Average annual salary is calculated based on the number of employees in the consolidated group. It includes bonuses and substandard wages.

New Employees

unit FY20 FY21 FY22
New employees (number of employees hired within 1 year) people 103 82 114
Percentage of total employees % 19.5 13.9 17.6
Percentage of new female employees 49.5 61.0 55.3

*Number of employees: the number of full-time and contract employees


unit FY20 FY21 FY22
Sales per Employee thou. yen 21,371 24,264 25,225
Operating profit per employee thou. yen 6,850 8,638 9,220

Management participation

unit FY20 FY21 FY22
Percentage of the company's shares held by employees 66.6 69.6 72.0
Percentage of women in management positions 34.6 37.8 37.4
Percentage of women promoted to management positions 44.2 52.6 48.3

※Percentage of the company's shares held by employees: Total number of employees participating in employee stock plans and holding RS (restricted stock awards).

※Percentage of women promoted to management positions: Number of women promoted from non-managerial positions to managerial positions during the period.

Ability to Take on Challenges

unit FY20 FY21 FY22/td>
Average point of "Energy" * point 3.23 3.24 3.24

※ "Energy" is the ability to have a strong will and to find value in continuing to work despite difficulties. Maximum 5 points. Calculated using the "giraffe" characteristic assessment of our service.

HR Development

unit FY20 FY21 FY22
Training cost per employee yen 22,193 24,181 27,213
Training hours per employee hours 15.44 10.43 22.30
Total no. of DX training attendees people 201 681 248
Compliance training attendance rate 100 100 100
Percentage of employees with Insource's service experience 100 100 100

※Percentage of employees with Insource's service experience: Calculated based on use of Leaf and attendance at Open Seminars and e-Learning


unit FY20 FY21 FY22
Ratio of female executives 25.0 25.0 27.3
Ratio of female managers 34.6 37.8 37.8
Percentage of female junior managers 42.3 44.6 45.3
Percentage of female managers profitable departments 35.8 38.4 42.9
Percentage of women in management positions 44.2 52.6 48.3
Ratio of female employees 55.4 56.1 56.4
Percentage of women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) professions 40.7 41.9 43.7
Ratio of employees with disabilities 2.83 2.76 2.79
Number of seniors (over 60 years old) people 21 26 49
Number of LGBTQ+ people 6 4 5
Number of foreign-born people people 3 3 4

※Number of employees who have agreed to be externally identified as LGBTQ+.

※Foreign-born means those who have foreign nationality. Foreign nationals include Japanese nationals from foreign countries.

Childcare leave

unit FY20 FY21/td> FY22
Number of childcare leave takers people 11 14 31
Total childcare leave acquisition rate 63.2 96.9 90.0
Number of childcare leave takers (female) people 6 19 6
Childcare leave acquisition rate (female) 100 100 100
Number of eligible childcare leave takers (male) people 13 13 14
Number of childcare leave takers (male) people 6 12 12
Childcare leave acquisition rate (male) 46.2 92.3 85.7

Initiatives for Health and Productivity Management

Health Issues and Targets

Classification Item Unit FY19 FY20 FY21 FY24 Target
Medical checkups and examination Consultation rate for regular medical checkups 100 100 100 100
Secondary medical checkup uptake 100
Percentage applicable to specific health guidance 22.0 19.8 22.7 20.0
Lifestyle habits Smoking rate over 40 years old *1 16.5 16.0 14.8 5.0
Percentage of people aged 40 or older with exercise habits 15.9 15.1 17.4 19.0
Ratio of people maintaining an appropriate weight *2 66.4 63.8 67.0
Mental health Stress check uptake rate 89.0 87.2 87.6 100
Percentage of employees with high stress levels 9.1 11.1 11.9 10.0
Labor productivity Absenteeism *3 Day 3.3 3.0
Presenteeism *4 81.9 85.0
Work engagement *5 Point 3.3 3.5

*1 Percentage of employees smoking between 8:00 and 20:00

*2 Persons with a BMI of 18.5 to less than 25

*3 Percentage of employees who have submitted a leave of absence report among all employees.

*4 Deviation values measured by an original questionnaire using the SPQ (Single-Item Presenteeism Questionnaire, University of Tokyo, 1-item version).

*5 Deviation measured by an original questionnaire using the shortened 3-item version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale



Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Structure(FY22)

Name No. of members Details No. of meetings held
Board of Directors ・Chair:
Takayuki Funahashi 
Representative Director, President and CEO
Directors 8,
including 3 Outside Directors,
including 2 female Directors
As a management decision-making body, the Board of Directors makes resolutions on important matters in accordance with the Board of Directors Regulations and Rules on Administrative Authority, and outside directors provide advice and supervision to the Board of Directors from an outside third-party perspective. In addition to regular monthly Board of Directors meetings, extraordinary Board of Directors meetings are held as necessary. Number of times: 4
Members' attendance rate: 100%
Board of Corporate Auditors ・4 Auditors,
including 3 Outside Auditors,
including 1 full-time Auditor,
including 1 female Auditor
In addition to regular monthly meetings, the Board of Corporate Auditors holds extraordinary meetings as necessary to review the status of audits and audit results, and to share information among the corporate auditors. Efforts are made to conduct effective monitoring by exercising legal authority, such as attending important meetings and receiving reports from related parties, as well as by conducting on-site inspections at branch offices and other locations. Number of times: 16 times
Auditor attendance rate: 100
Nomination and Compensation Committee ・Chair:
Outside Director Hidenori Fujioka
4 Directors
including 3 Outside Directors
including 2 female Directors
The Committee, an advisory body to the Board of Directors, is responsible for deliberating the selection and dismissal of directors and executive officers of the Company and its group companies, as well as their compensation and succession plans, from an objective and fair perspective. Established on Dec. 17, 2021
Risk and Compliance Committee ・Chair:
Representative Director, President and CEO,
Takayuki Funahashi
For risk management and compliance promotion, the committee is chaired by the Representative Director and implemented by directors, corporate auditors and persons appointed by the chair. Number of times: 4
Members' attendance rate: 100%
Sustainability Committee ・Chair:
Kumiko Kawabata Director, Managing Executive Officer
The committee meets once a quarter to further promote sustainability, contribute to society and the global environment, and enhance corporate value over the medium to long term. The committee selects themes for sustainability-related activities, sets targets, confirms the progress of "task forces," which are cross-departmental teams under the committee, and promotes the disclosure of sustainability-related information. Number of times: 5
Members' attendance rate: 100%
Health Management Promotion Committee ・Chair:
Kumiko Kawabata Director, Managing Executive Officer
In order to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of employees, the Health Promotion Department, which belongs to the Group Human Resources Department, plays a central role in selecting themes and setting targets for health promotion activities, checking the progress of individual activities, and promoting information disclosure on health management in cooperation with the Health and Safety Committee and industrial physicians. Established on October,2 2023
Internal Audit Office 2 The Internal Audit Office, under the jurisdiction of the Representative Director, prepares an audit plan for each fiscal year and conducts operational audits in accordance with that audit plan. The results are reported to the Representative Director promptly after the audit is conducted.

Anti-Corruption and Political Contributions

For FY22, we have no records of fines, penalties, settlements, or political contributions related to corruption. We will continue to make every effort to prevent corruption.

GRI Standards

General Disclosures





