Facilitation Training

Facilitation Training
13/09/27 Update

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Aims and features

“Encourage” others to volunteer their opinions rather than “control” others.

“Specialists” who possess certain skills will be necessary to have effective meetings. Those skills that specialists are supposed to possess are called facilitation skills. You might think that a leader of meeting should be able to handle opinions skillfully and arrive at a conclusion quickly. However, it is actually the most important mission for a leader to “encourage” others to speak up to bring out as many constructive opinions as possible to reach reasonable conclusions and convincing agreements rather than handling the meeting efficiently.

We suggest especially you who are working under foreign affiliates and multi-national companies use facilitation skills after understanding national traits and cultural backgrounds of other members who attend a meeting. For example, Japanese people tend to avoid gathering attentions. They feel awkward speaking up before their seniors because they are strongly conscious of seniority system. And they prefer silence to standing out because silence can be a virtue in Japanese culture. If you know these traits of Japanese and understand reasons why many Japanese people are slow of speech, you could figure out how to bring out more of their opinions.

Four fundamental skills required of facilitators

1.Designing skills
Setting and preparing for a meeting, and initiating goal-sharing among members of a meeting as well.

2.Communication skills
Bringing out as many constructive opinions as possible through observation and intervention skills required of facilitators in addition to basic skills of communication such as attentive listening and questioning skills

3.Structuring skills
Organizing opinions brought out and focusing on the most important points

4.Consensus-building skills
Building consensus by solving friction between different opinions to arrive at an agreement and successful decision-making

Just attaining these four fundamental skills above, you can be a successful facilitator.

Track Record

The reason why our training is popular

This training has abundant business results particularly for municipalities. In the municipalities, the keyword "collaboration" is valued and many meetings with residents and collaborative projects with other organizations are undertaken. Therefore, in the first meeting, it is necessary to play "the role which hears an opinion and summarizes the opinion well" and have a skill for managing meeting.

Total participants
1085(※Period covered:2012/4/1~2013/3/31)


Content: Understood well,

Trainer: Excellent・Good

Comments from participants

  • Intensive exercises in the training helped me learn skills that are hard to acquire only through textbook. I would like to maintain and improve those skills.
  • It was really useful for me that the contents of the training encompassed communication skills in broader senses apart from facilitation skills in meetings. I would like to build-up all my shortcomings that I was able to notice through exercises in the training one by setting goals one by one from now on.

Our Coach

Our lecturers have excellent in their experiences, a level, and characters therefore they are very excellent facilitators. The lecturers who have high business solution skill and leadership will take this program. High consensus building skill and guidance skill were embodied, and the training by our lecturers who have overcome the lecturer-training program becomes study very much.

Sample training program

Sample Program
  • 1.Introduction
    (1)Design your meeting.
    【Exercise】 Design your meeting. (The issues of the meeting and its reasons)
    (2)What leaves participants dissatisfied with the meeting?
  • 2.What is facilitation?
    (1)The role of facilitation
    (2)The corresponding processes
    (3)Mindsets for facilitation
    (4)Four fundamental skills for facilitators
  • 3.Skills to create a suitable occasion
    【Case study】 Try setting targets, goals, processes, rules and role-sharing.
    【Exercise】 Think of how to make use of these skills when adopting in your actual workplace.
  • 4.Communication skills
    (1)Listening skills
    (2)Intervention skills
    (3)Observation skills
    【Case study】 Try facilitating based on the responses and state of mind of other participants.
  • 5.Problem-solving skills
    【Case study 】 Try summarizing the discussion on the whiteboard.
  • 6.Consensus-building skills
    (1)The role in consensus-building
    (2)Conflict management
    (3)Initiatives in decision-making
    (4)Initiatives in consensus-building
    【Exercise】 Think of how to make use of these skills when adopting in your actual workplace. 
  • 7.Facilitation simulation (of a meeting)
    【Theme 1】 A hearing session of establishing smoking and non-smoking areas
    【Theme 2】 Preventative measures against troubles caused by lack of communication
    【Theme 3】 A contract renewal of an apartment management Company
  • 8.Reviews
    Set your goal as a facilitator based on what you have learned.  

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