Mental Health Training

Mental Health Training
13/10/09 Update

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Aims and features

Create a work environment that prevents trivial stresses as early as possible.

In recent years, the rising workload due to the diversification of work and the reduction of labor has been putting people to work under greater pressure and more stress.
Being put under stresses continuously will damage people’s mental health and reduce productivity, which will hurt companies in the end. Therefore, it is pressing to teach their staff the knowledge of mental health, and create a system and method to understand and alleviate the stress in the early stage before it transforms into an illness.

Foreign affiliates and multi-national companies must be careful about mental health.

In foreign affiliates and multi-national companies where different cultures are mixed, workers are exposed to stress caused from the differences of various values and customs and they are prone to develop mental troubles such as anxiety and depression. Thus, especially those companies have to be careful about mental health.

In business, it is very important to maintain smooth communication in the workplace while it is very difficult to achieve. Having communication with superiors and colleagues who speak different languages and have different cultural backgrounds requires more efforts in order to bridge the gaps between different values to prevent misunderstanding. Also, foreigners working in Japan might often feel impatient and irritated when they are confused with the Japanese business culture and customs that are different from those of their home countries and so they cannot conduct business operation well. Furthermore, foreign workers are always exposed to language barriers and isolation in the Japanese society, “a different culture”.

Recently, there is a rising demand for mental health care by individuals although mental health care by management used to prevail before. Workers become able to take care of their own mental health by learning how to find stress factors and how to deal with the stresses. And they can maintain mental stability if communication is improved in the workplace and the relevant support system is established in and out of the company.

Specific mental health training

Our training focuses on learning practical methods and actions to take in the workplace, not the medical remedy or general theories. Maintaining mental health by individuals can revitalize workplace. We believe it enhances accuracy and efficiency of work then, leads to better customer satisfaction.


  • Understand the current situation of mental health
    Understand the current situation of mental health with research data.
  • Understand what stress is
    Causes of stress (work, inter-cultural communication, human relationships, family, money, personality, physical health, etc.)
    Stress reactions
  • Measures to relieve stress
    How to relieve stress (sleep, relaxation, physical exercise, consultation with a boss and a colleague, family support, external support groups, etc.)
  • Communication in organization
    What kinds of situations are stressful to you? Think how to improve them.
  • Mental health care by management (for management)
    Quickly be aware that your subordinate looks different than usual.

Track Record

The reason why our training is popular


Total participants
6,339(※Period covered:2012/4/1~2013/3/31)


Content: Understood well,

Trainer: Excellent・Good

Comments from participants

Our Coach


Sample training program

Sample Program
  • 1. The current situation of mental health
    While learning the current situation of mental health based on the data of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, think of the role of the managers.
  • 2.Stress factors and stress reactions
    (1)【Exercise】 When do you feel stresses?
    (2)Stress factors
    Work, human relationships, family, money, personality, health, etc.,
    (3)【Exercise】 Sort out your stress factors
    (4)The degree of stress and the influence on work (Moderate stress will enhance your motivation.)
    (5) Don't miss your stress reactions. (Be careful of these symptoms.)
  • 3.How to handle stresses (self-care)
    Be aware of your own stresses and learn how to handle them.
    (1)How to handle stresses
    Sleep, relaxing, consulting to your boss, refreshing, talking to a person you are close to
    (2)Change the way of thinking (To think positive is important.)
    Ten patterns of cognitive distortions
  • 4.Mental care by the management
    It is important for the management to find a subordinate looks different than usual quickly and try to listen to him/her patiently.
    (1)【Exercise】 Sort out the features and tendencies of your members.  (Personality, the way of working, recent mistakes, etc.)
    (2)【Exercise】 Sort out the current situation of your members' work (amount of work, troubles, etc.)
    (3)Grasp the signs.
    Coming late, absent without notice, increasing the number of mistakes, feeling down, emotionally unstable, etc.
    (4)Listening patiently.
    (5)Effects of communication
    Feeling better, finding a solution, noticing insignificant matters.
  • 5.Communication required for mental care by the management
    (1)【Exercise】 How do you usually initiate your everyday communication with subordinates?
    (2)The meaning and points of "Listening patiently"
    (3)【Exercise】 After listening to your subordinate, how would you talk to him/her?
  • 6.How to handle when you found your subordinate mentally ill and he/she takes a temporary leave from a job
    Explain how to take a temporary leave and come back to a job to the subordinate who has fallen mentally ill while understanding mental illness well.
  • 7. Support in returning to work
    (1)The flow of support for coming back to work (including a subordinate's taking a temporary leave and support after returning to his/her former post)
    (2)If your subordinate wants to return to work, (make sure his/her wish, confirm the medical certificate and make a plan of his/her return to work.)
    (3)Judgment criteria of returning to work (MHLW's judgment criteria)
    (4)How to support a staff in returning to work smoothly.(Let him/her come to work tentatively, what you must be careful about after his/her return to work)
    (5)【Exercise】Case studies
  • 8. Wrap-up
    Based on the training, make a plan to do from now on.

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