Business Improvement Training

Business Improvement Training
13/09/27 Update

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Aims and features

A distinctive feature of the Japanese business culture-Business improvement

A word “Kaizen” has become common even overseas nowadays. You can tell that “business improvement” is one of the most distinctive features of Japanese business culture.
Japanese people always pursue better quality in every aspect such as procedures, process, quality of services and products, productivity, safety, leadership, etc. They never stop pursuing more improvement even though there is no malfunction or inconvenience.
Employees of foreign affiliates or multi-national companies from different cultures might feel unfamiliar with that kind of mindset that focuses on the process as well as the result. However, it is required of all organizations to improve the current business method to enhance the organizational power and increase benefits.

You can still improve business when the number of employees cannot be increased.

The environment surrounding Japanese companies has been drastically changing and increasingly becoming severer due to the diversification and globalization of business world. Many of those firms are required to accomplish works of higher quality to survive. We often hear from our clients that they have to carry out more tasks with the limited personnel without increasing manpower.

Under such a circumstance, we believe that “business improvement” enhances organizational power and efficiency to accomplish the required level of work with the limited number of manpower. Our business improvement training provides you the most effective approaches and skills to enhance organizational power with the limited number of employees.

The following three points are the focuses of this training:

■Think about business improvement in the training, away from your workplace.
It might be often the case that even though you think you would be able to increase efficiency with a little more effort, you actually make no extra effort with no time to spare as an excuse. Let’s think about “the little more effort” in the training together. The training will help you to make a specific business improvement plan.

■Learn methods of the business improvement
It might be difficult for you to make a business improvement plan when you can think about it only vaguely without any knowledge and skill.
Learn the proper methods of initiating business improvement and practice them on study cases that would happen in the actual workplace.

■Make sure to choose what you can continue practicing
Business improvement plans should vary according to each person. It is highly recommendable to choose a plan that you can start comparatively easily and carry on with low cost such as those regarding communication or clerical work. As for the term, basically about three months are desirable.

Our ultimate goal is that you keep practicing business improvement, motivated by the small improvement you initiated in the training.
We hope our training will provide you with good opportunities to make a greater improvement or to make an improvement on another topic on your own initiative.

How about learning the principle of business improvement in our business improvement training and producing an apparent result?

Lecture  What is business improvement?
       The procedure of business improvement
Exercise  Identify problems in your organization from six perspectives.
Lecture, Exercise  Analyze the current situation
Lecture  Investigate the cause.
       Make countermeasure plans and carry them out.
       Check the effect.
Exercise  Make a business improvement plan.

Track Record

The reason why our training is popular

As one of training by ranks, we especially have more results in the middle-management class. The purpose of the training varies depending on customers.
For example, there are who aim to improve clerical work by reducing the time of operations or to improve services for customers. Also, there are participants who aim to learn the way of thinking and the awareness to digitize the target as a part of management by objectives for clerical works.

Total participants
3746名(※Period covered:2012/4/1~2013/3/31)


Content: Understood well,

Trainer: Excellent・Good

Comments from participants

    • It was useful to learn concretely what to do toward improving operations with a wider viewpoint, not to mention, self-awareness.
    • The content would also be useful to my superior. The lecture was easy to understand, realistic, and fun with concrete examples.
    • A thorough preparation is required in improving operations.    It is important to put thoughts usually in the brain onto papers (schematizing). Hypothesis is important. Many things were very useful. Especially, the law of Pareto was interesting.
    • Busy with day-to-day operations, I hardly had time to think. It was useful to learn how to improve.
    • I was able to understand how to draw a special cause and effect diagram, and also its importance as well. I am glad to have a chance to appeal improvements.

Our Coach

Instructors, who had practiced a number of business improvements in the field with experiences of successes and failures, will be in charge.
We think that instructors, who have more cases that are concrete and easy to have the image, would be suitable for business improvement. We will introduce instructors with intensive experiences according to ranks of participants and purposes of improvement.

Sample training program

Sample Program
  • 1.What is business improvement?
    (1)The basics of business improvement
    (2)The procedures of management by objectives and business improvement
  • 2.Identify problems.
    (1)How to identify problems (of customers, work, personnel, finance, organizational goal, comparison)
    (2)Case studies of problem-finding
  • 3.Analyze the current situation.
    (1)Points of the current situation analysis
    (2)How to make use of figures (by graphs, comparison, stratification, standard deviation)
    (3)Quantify invisible facts. (Learn how to quantify)
    (4)Conduct dynamic observation. (To see the actual spot and the actual thing is important.)
    (5)Data analysis methods (flow charts, Pareto charts, cause and effect diagrams)
  • 4.Think of business improvement plans of your workplace.
    (1)How to identify the target of improvement
    (The target must be approved by the organizational policy and must be appropriate in the light of CS. And it also must have great impact.)
    (2)Think of methods to achieve business improvement.
    (Clarify "the starting line" and "the goal".)
    (3)Make an achievable plan.
    (It is important to carry out a plan steadily but in a short period of time.)
    (4)Points for measures examination
    (Review from the first step. Examine and check on your own. Make good use of flow charts.)
    (5) Five points for examining measures
    ・Effects, feasibility, cost, violation of rules, influence on human relationships
    (6)Points for braking
    (Never make exceptions. Gather information and talk up the outcome.) (7)Points for carrying out the plan
    ・Clarify the schedule and the person in charge. Examine the process. Modify the plan if necessary. (PDCA)
    (8)How to motivate your members to work on it(Take the initiative so as to show a good example. Show your enthusiasm, etc.)
    ・Twelve points to motivate your members to work on the plan.
  • 5.Make a proposal of "business improvement of own department".
    ※Each group will make a business improvement proposal based on the training contents in the morning part.
    The instructor will choose some relevant themes from the result of advance survey.
    (e.g.)・How to shorten the waiting time at the counter
        ・How to reduce overtime working hours and evoke feelings of comfort and ease
    ■ The procedures
    ①Participants will be divided into some groups according to their problems and each group will choose a theme.
    ②Each group will create an improvement plan and make a proposal.  
     ・Items for examination: goals, the current situation analysis, countermeasures, achievement criteria, establishment, etc.  
     ・Each member will be allotted a role according to the items (Group members of certain levels of employees may discuss and examine each item all together instead of playing respective roles.)  
     ・Group members will examine each topic in a required time while making short presentations.
    ③Each group will make a presentation on the completed improvement plan and share ideas with other participants, and will be given feedbacks by the instructor.
    ■Expected effects
    ①Group members who are interested in the same theme will have lively discussions and will be able to think the theme more deeply.
    ②Participants will be able to apply the thoroughly completed plans to their workplace and make good use of them.
Group Work

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